Ancient Knowhow at Dendera

The image below is taken from an ACAD drawing using the image as the background picture from what has sometimes been dubbed the Ancient Egyptian Light Bulb.

If one goes to Wikipedia “Crookes tube” you will find that the Crookes Tube operated at a substantial vacuum, meaning the small glass bulb had to withstand the sea level vacuum of 14.7 psia.  For a glass tube of about inch in diameter and short enough to be hand held, the collapsing force would be representative of a few gallons of milk.

Given in the image above that the standing men are about six feet tall, the so-called bulb would be near 8 feet in length and perhaps a couple feet in width at the widest point.  That would approximate the Crookes Tube collapsing force at over 33,000 pounds.  In dust evacuating steel ductwork operating only at the vacuum levels created by a kid sucking on a soda straw, there needs to be stiffeners roughly every diameter in length.  Negative internal pressure or positive external pressure (submarine) put steel structures in severe disadvantage to its strongest capability which is in tension (positive internal pressure).  Of course, steel doesn’t allow much light to escape.

From a structural engineering point of view, the above machines could not possibly be anything close to a light.  Modern day incandescent lights do not operate at a severe vacuum but have very proprietary mixtures of internal gases and the pressure is determined by the ability of the light to survive both cold operating temperatures and during operation at very high temperatures.

Another major problem is that a fairly small 60 watt bulb puts out so much heat that it cannot be touched comfortably with bare hands while in operation.  A bulb the size of the one above would cook everything within 50 yards of it. And the voltage required to jump from anode to cathode of normally some few millimeters would be a mere pittance of something that needs to run say 8 feet.

In short, the idea that these machines are a light bulb is like comparing a corn thrashing machine to a whisker shaver. So what in the world could this image represent?

In modern day artwork, the artist is very careful to make sure the image is hand drawn and even circles are often drawn freehand and a compass is seldom used.  On the other hand, a drawing that is trying to provide information about a subject is almost always drawn with tools like straight edge, compass and triangle. A typical such drawing usually has dimensions indicated with arrows and arcs and numbers in whatever units of measure such as inches, feet or metrics.  Typically a drawing has a scale marked on it but often the scale is not followed with great precision and relies upon the dimensional arrows and the units can change dramatically over even a few decades.

Look at the man standing on the far left.  We are often given fake logic that this was the easier way to show the body in full profile and that was all the ancients were capable of delivering. In fact this drawing is far beyond our current technologies.  There is nothing in the image that isn’t related to at least one other event and many times several events.

In the portion of the image below, the large man at the far left has a foot length of exactly 1 unit and a height of 6.201255338 units which when multiplied  by 2^(5) /10 and taken to the fourth root is 2.110607 whereby the hydrogen neutral frequency wavelength is 2.1106114.  An accident perhaps?  Note the near vertical cyan line goes from the midpoint of the foot line up thru the right ear of the head image. Therefore, the 6.20125538 is not just any number but is the dimensionless ratio of pi^(3) divided by 5. So the 2.110607 could be a Doppler shifted representation and an exact wavelength of some distant star. The zoom up below shows some of the angles of importance.
At the shoulder area the angle between the right shoulder (image left) and the vertical cyan is 76.2109431 and similarly to the left shoulder is 82.944000  (1.2^(4)*40) and the sum of the angles is 500/ pi. The ratio of shoulder angles is the dimensionless mass ratio of hydrogen to the electron no matter what units are used.

These relationships are very similar in their implementation and reduce the probability of accidental occurrence substantially.  The more of the overall image examined, the more it is obviously not just some work of art.

Let’s go back to the raw image and make only a few approximate marks for discussion.

If these “bags?” were filled with anything other than a gas, they would be too heavy to handle in the manner demonstrated. That much water would weigh in excess of 1200 pounds for each bag. Note that the left smaller person is kneeling on the connecting ductwork, indicating there is some width in and out of the image and not say a round cord or conductor.

A very critical observation is emphasized by the gold horizontal lines.  Note the left machine is about 4 inches below the right machine. This seems to indicate a process of removing stone uniformly with each left to right pass.  It appears from the picture that the right machine is making a “rough cut” perhaps fracturing material to pound size while the left machine is making a “smooth cut” and perhaps fracturing to grams or milligram size. In the left device there are two perpendicular thick green lines representing the overall length and widest height. This dimensionless ratio developed the number 4.4092452 where half of that is 2.2046226, the modern conversion from pounds to grams. The precision of the drawn lines can be that precise even though the image can only reach about 4 digits of precision at best. To reach any conclusion about the purpose of the image, one must repeatedly compare similar dimensionless ratios throughout the entire image.

Before launching into the potential boring numerical analysis, we need to look at something readily known in modern times but perhaps not by a large cross-section of readers.  One can enter without quotes “radio frequency cavitation” into or Google and you will eventually find materials available for inexpensive machines which claim to use radio frequency induced cavitation in cellulose tissue which breaks down the cellulose so it can be removed by other body organs and result in loss of weight, usually in elderly females. The upshot of this development is to point out there are many things going on in the modern world that most of us don’t know anything about. The second point is that these machines operate at very low wattage which are energy levels that can easily be carried on continuously with only human participation.

Only a few readers will have any idea what cavitation is.  It is discussed fairly comprehensively in Wikipedia.  As an initial mechanical engineer, cavitation was taught as a huge problem for things as large as the propellers on the Titanic size ships. Only in very recent times has the topic been discussed in more detail thanks to the interest in Sono-fusion (bubble fusion) and sonoluminescence, terms to be found in Wikipedia. If the reader is not technical, just skimming thru would still be helpful.

In very simple terms, flow conditions can exist whereby a fluid goes from liquid state to vapor state, accumulates some size and then because of fairly sudden reversal of the pressure conditions, collapses the vapor bubble back to the liquid phase. But this doesn’t happen slowly but very rapidly, causing something like a small lightning bolt which radiates a different type of light and can suck metal out of a huge impeller a little at a time. Obviously, damage to a large impeller is very expensive to repair if allowed to continue over long periods of time. Over the decades, engineers and now computers, calculate ways to avoid cavitation of the anticipated operating range of the impeller. Another example is huge impellers in say Grand Coulee Dam generating plants.  One of these is lying as an ornament in a park in Henderson, Nevada from the Hoover (Boulder) Dam.

This topic is a bit complex for the typical reader and should just be accepted as a fundamental truth of modern times for the first reading.

The image should be thought of more as a documentary of technology than any type of artwork. While we commonly attribute the ability to draw straight lines and circles to ancient times, the blending together of dimensionless ratios is a serious level above our current capabilities.  A lifetime of effort has made it much easier to find this methodology in image analysis.

If in a CAD system we measure a radius at 0.4556778 and another radius at .4811753 where we have no idea what the scale factor might be, we can check the simple direct dimensionless ratio of the two numbers or the conjugate ratio (a+b)/(a-b). In this case the two numbers are the radii of the large end of the devices and the conjugate ratio is 18.37148 and the dimensionless ratio of the most abundant hydrogen atom to electron mass is 1837.152.  At what point does one decide that this situation might be intentional?  For this analysis, it is when there seems to be a repeating message and dozens of coordinated results. This six digit sequence is extremely unlikely to occur by accident, particularly on a repeated basis. How many readers even have enough working knowledge of physics to recognize this number?

This may be saying that the bags are filled with hydrogen gas which would make them much lighter and capable of being handled the way it appears they are in the documentary. There are no handles to lift even a heavy canvas type material. There must be some internal pressure to hold the flexible bag in its shape.

The angle of taper shown in red for each side return angles on the left of 11.4591559 which divided by 360 degrees = 1/(10 x pi).  The right side angle is 224.701 /20 = 11.23505 where 224.701 is the dimensionless period of Venus relative to earth. The light thin green lines drawn for the ear thru the eyes of the small person crouched under the right side bag to the circle center on the small end is 13.9366 degrees. This angle taken to the trigonometric sine is .24084, the period of Mercury and divided by 360 x 10 = .38712.  The dimensionless ratio of Mercury to Earth is .3870977. The fact that the angle is created by a line from the ear thru the eye and on to the center suggests that solar system influence may be a part of the operation of the device. The crouched human may be a “symbolic nature only” and not really be holding the bag up. In the right side device, the big end is supported by the mechanical devices marked in red. The four layers look like outlet orifices from a tank to a water line to reduce friction. Perhaps this is suggesting something is flowing, albeit likely vibrational in nature and not a mass flowing. It is not obvious where the right side ductwork is going to and could be an outside source of energy.

On the left side, the “black box” that one small person is sitting on has unequal diagonals.  The combination of conjugate ratio and simple ratio produces a number such that divided by 8 is 14.9594 where the earth to sun distance is 149,597,980 kilometers.  However, while many people feel this is a random number, it definitely is not. It is generated in quantum mechanics by the product of the six primary quantum numbers.  In ancient Egypt times, it was generated by the cubit at 20.625  and then divided by 12 gives 1.71875 which if doubled 8 times is 440 = middle A on the piano. On the other hand if the number is halved six times (divide by 64) and further divided by 1.2 harmonic yields the identical number = 0.1495979855. This seems to be another suggestion that solar system fundamentals or quantum mechanics have something to do with the operation of these devices.

For this theory to take flight there needs to be overwhelming redundancy of the same type of dimensionless ratios contained in most all of the image details.  But it is a very complex image and the analysis is very numerically challenging.  There is no way the precision of this image could have an artistic mission.  It is there to enlighten folks who have some technical background and an interest in understanding how the Egyptians could have created some of the astounding temples and shaped huge stones to precise angles and dimensions.

It is difficult to decide at what level of complexity to begin with for this paper aimed at mostly non-technical readers.  The image below was chosen because it can be seen graphically that there is much more to the image than typically noticed by casual observers.  For example, the third red dashed circle at the far right, upon close scrutiny, doesn’t exactly fit the snake final curvature.  That is because the source of the circle is a complex array of elliptical shapes and the circle is just the representation of the average that can be seen without all the complexities.

The amazing attribute of the above portion of the image is numerically embedded in the 5 dashed red circles numbered 1 to 5 clockwise from upper left. The circles 1 to 3 are in a perfect straight line and the midpoint of the line center 1 to center 3 occurs right at the center of circle 2.

The conjugate ratio of the line 1 to 3 and the sum of the three radii (1 thru 3) leads to 3.155695 where the seconds for earth to rotate around the sun is 31,556,926 decided by committee in mid-1900s.  The ratio of the circle 1 radius to circle 2 radius leads to .01215671 and the average of the two most abundant hydrogen wavelengths is 1215.671 (1215.668 & 1215.674).  These and many others cannot be accidental. The message could be that the way this device works is to combine earth/sun vibration with hydrogen most abundant wavelengths.

Note the angle 25.968 between the circles 1-3 and 5-3.  The sine of this angle leads to the digits1.7202 where the gravitational constant for earth is 0.01720209895.  The tangent of this angle leads to the digits 1.4204 and the hydrogen neutral frequency of 1.420405.  This is somewhat more precise than can be repeated with this image but the multiple repetitions suggest it, or something like it, is intended.

Probably most people reading this have no idea how to go from a conjugate ratio equal to some number to the three circles in a straight line and positioned the way these are.  There are too many unknowns to solve with simultaneous equations.

In this case, the conjugate ratio of the circle 1 and 2 is 4.68845 and the square root of that number divided by 4 can yield 1.215674 or 1.718275, each using the natural log series.  With these ratios, the system can be solved for any scale but one still has to determine the angle off the centerline and the relationship with circle 4 & 5. The number 1.718281828459 is sum of the infinite series 1/1+1/(2 x1) + 1/(3 x 2 x 1)….where the denominator is the increasing factorial series.

The angle 25.9682 is really close to 2 x arcsine [(2.99792458 x .5)^(2)/10] which yields 25.9691 and 2.99792458 is the speed of light digits in meters per second also determined by committee in mid 1900s. Working the other way, 25.9682 yields 2.99787 which is remarkably closer to 2.99792 than we should expect from the resolution of the image. But the overall systematic solution suggests that this series of accidents could not happen.

This is an indication that the snakes could really be trying to talk to us. It is amazing how many circles and ellipses can be drawn with three point circles from the inner and outer curvatures of the snakes. The composite diagram is shown below to address the potential complexities.  Various portions will be later blown up for detailed analysis.

But considering radii, circumference and area numbers there are likely many dozens of circles that can be drawn and the dimensionless ratios of any two equal parameters compared.  For example, something like 30 factorial (considering ratios of single numbers up to say 8 parameters) could contain something like 6.5 x 10^(20) pieces of data. Of course, this depends upon finding the initial precision such that nothing is lost as the image grows more complex.  It would take a serious super-computer to even contemplate such a mathematical solution.
An interesting attribute that can only be seen on the compact diagram above is the use of the lines connecting points drawn from the large human ear thru the eye area and then thru the focal features a couple feet (by scale) inside towards the center of the image. Each of these areas are magnified and shown how the curved surfaces can use three point circles to decipher their contribution.

In the diagram above a dashed cyan line can be shown to initiate in the ear of the left larger person, exit thru his eye, passes thru the focal zone (shown in detail below) and passes tangential to an outer lower circle and the circle 3 red and tangent to the first cyan circle on the right side and at the center of the far right circle.  These five points of significance on a single line cannot occur without a design input. It is really trying to tell us how these things work.

The zoomed up images below show the left and right side focal areas where there appear to be some meaningless scribbles but actually are detailed instructions on how to read the image and where to look for analysis.

Note even the hair seems to focus around the ear as if to be indicating the presence of sound waves. The right side seems much less intricate than the left side which is actually quite interactive in the overall image. The right side focal zone shows a lavender thick line that seems to connect several other features.  At the bottom is the intersection of two snake circles and the center of a circle using the curved surface.  It then passes up along the right side of the middle bar of three bars. It then passes up the left side of a rectangle and thru the center of three aligned small circles. It is very unlikely for all these to be accidental.


Below is a zoom up of the three smaller people. They do not appear to be children and could be an indication of autistic people capable of extreme acoustical input.

There is definitely some thickness suggested (in and out of image) because the small person on the left is squatting on the connector ductwork which indicates it is not a round hose.  The center person has some type of interconnecting small bag on his head.  His head dents this device and the device penetrates the large bag. This is not duplicated on the other two small people.  His contribution to the works is suggested thru his hands. Obviously, the box the middle person is sitting on must have depth in and out of the image for him to be able to sit there.  This provides at least a guess at how wide of cut is being taken.

The two small people on the left and right are connecting with the center of the small end of the large bags as mentioned earlier.  This is one of many hints that sonoluminescence is at the heart of how this device is breaking down the covalent bonds in the stone.  In modern times, we break the bonds either by melting at extreme temperatures or with huge diamond studded machining blades that require major horsepower, complexities and enough dust to choke a mule.

Yet there are devices in general use, such as the radio frequency cavitation mentioned earlier.  Hydrogen is broken into hydrogen and oxygen using the resonant frequency.  This is likely why we do not see saw or machining marks on Egyptian constructions. There is nothing in the image that would suggest to the typical archeologist that any high technology was present.  If the bags were made from animal skins, they would deteriorate in a few years.

Note the thick yellow line descending from bag on the right side and follows the left side of the diffuser-shaped device until it curves around and touches the left side device.  Note the yellow thick line exactly intersects the lower rock surface where the left side is operating. Obviously, something like vibration is intersecting at that point.

The diagonals in the two rectangular shapes are the key to understanding how they work.  There are no right angles and all sides and diagonals are different.  Yet the dimensionless ratios point to the operational requirements. 

One final number is the angle in yellow for the incline of the diffuser on the right side device.  The tangent of 70.3310130 is 2.797662948 and the square root of that number is 1.67262158 which is the mass of the proton without all the zeros.  Obviously this was forced to have that type of precision, but one can see it really fits nicely.  Does this further suggest that something is happening at the atomic level?

This paper is probably about as complex as most readers can entertain, so more details will be made available in secondary efforts designed to capture the interest of technically trained folks.

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